Open dialogues: Alice Padovani

by Margaret Sgarra, contemporary art curator

Mangiare la luce

Alice Padovani, after a degree in Philosophy and Visual Arts, worked for several years in contemporary theater as actress and director, developing her own path as a visual artist and performer. She has exhibited in personal, collective and museum exhibitions on a national and international level, receiving numerous awards and recognitions. Her works are part of some important private and public collections in Italy and abroad.

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Photography and matter: the visual imagery of Darren Harvey-Regan

by Romina Ciulli e Carole Dazzi

In materia, 2023

The work of the English artist Darren Harvey-Regan returns a photographic imagery in which the simplicity of the material underlies a complexity of meaning and vice versa. In fact, his works create a connection between the represented subject, the photographic representation of the object and the exhibited photograph itself. This relationship generates an aesthetic tension that takes possession of photography and sculpture to deepen the themes of his artistic research. Read more

Who’s next?… Fernando Melani

by Valentina Biondini, art and literature amateur

Melani’s Studio-Home

This time we focus our attention on what was considered the “first post-war artist-scientist” and “the last of the millennium”. We are talking about Fernando Melani from Pistoia, whose creative dimension was inspired by reflections on matter and atom, and then approached, even anticipating, the influences of Arte Povera, Conceptual Art and Minimal Art.

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