Franco Nicolosi/Sculpture is an immaterial body

by Romina Ciulli e Carole Dazzi

Riflessioni di Superficie, 2002

The works of the artist Franco Nicolosi come from a deep intimate reflection. A sort of continuous sensorial interconnection where matter translates into an unexpected creative process, albeit meditative. An experiential practice, characterized by forms with unmistakable, sinuous and rhythmic traits. Forms that seem suspended between past and present, but that open to a constant and lasting dialogue. Here then are vases and drawings made with different materials, including clay, graphite, wood or ceramic. And, although each work follows a different specific path, they all eventually intertwine again, triggering reflections on concepts such as duplicity, symbolism, awareness and transformation. Read more

Daniela Daz Moretti/Art on the border between nostalgia and new identities

by Carole Dazzi and Romina Ciulli


Daniela Daz Moretti, sculptor, painter, is a multifaceted artist whose works shape a personal existential journey, making her deepest and most intimate side manifest. Above all, it is through the modeling of ceramics, her medium of choice, that Daz accompanies us along this growth path, crossing themes such as childhood and adulthood, the existential meaning of memory, the allegorical border between inner world and external reality. Read more

Open dialogues: IroPeinto

by Margaret Sgarra, contemporary art curator


IroPeinto, stage name of Veronica Larotonda, is a visual artist who works using different pictorial languages, such as painting on water, the Ebrù technique and oil connected to metals. The focus of her work is centered on form, which becomes something incomprehensible and elusive, at times elusive. Furthermore, the relationship with dreams is fundamental, as it proves to be a field of investigation in correlation with the unconscious. She currently lives and works in Milan. Read more

Who’s next?… Maria Blanchard

by Valentina Biondini, art and literature amateur

Woman with fan

My name is María Gutiérrez-Cueto y Blanchard, but you can simply call me Maria Blanchard and, although I am unknown to most, thanks to my talent I was one of the protagonists of the avant-garde.

I was born on March 6, 1881 in Santander in the north of Spain and my childhood was painful, in my body and spirit. In fact, I came into the world with a spinal malformation that forced me to walk with a cane since I was a child, which among my schoolmates earned me the unflattering nickname of bruja, that is witch. Read more

Alessandra Baldoni/The word is the spark igniting every image

interview by Romina Ciulli and Carole Dazzi

Salva con nome, “Cade pioggia di stelle. Fugge il tempo nelle rose” (Antonia Pozzi)

The works of the writer and photographer Alessandra Baldoni are characterized by a sense of uniqueness and restless disenchantment, rendered through an intimate and personal approach. Her images speak to us of themes related to memory, awareness, feelings, and are true stories of the soul, made up of bonds that intertwine and emotions that reveal themselves. Starting from a conceptual context made of words, the artist in fact brings out a powerful and poignant flow of photo-stories, in which everyone can recognize themselves, everyone can feel their own experience and essence. It is the art of storytelling, of creating universes where everything remains and never stops echoing. Read more